The first time i heard this statement, i thought to myself "I've heard of this before, it probably means you have to do that which you are passionate about even though it doesn't have that much money". Right? I was wrong. That's not what it means. In this lesson, you will learn exactly what that means.

Unlearn: Working hard for money
Learn: Making money

if you want to become rich or wealthy one day, You must learn to make money. Let's define key terms first before we go deep into the explanations.

Key Term: Working for Money

Meaning: For the purposes of this study, we are going to define working for money as any type of work that requires one to actively render services for the purposes of earning a wage/salary of any equivalent of such. However, you need to note that there are instances when one is gainfully employed but still choose not to work for money even though they still get paid at the end of the month.

Key Term: Making Money

Meaning: Making money means any legal means by which a person may use to create value out of a personal idea or an opportunity taken advantage of in a way that creates a stream of income not directly proportional to the level of activity applied by the person. This is about creating systems. It is not easy but once mastered it can bring riches beyond measure.

Why is working for money not a good idea?

Disclaimer: When i say working for money is not a good idea i do not mean to say you should not look for a job if you need one. I have one myself and I work as hard as I can at my place of employment. However, a job is not a financial plan. A job can never give you wealth. You need to be financially intelligent. 

I have friends in various professions and fields of work and i can put them in 3 categories regardless of the type of work they do or they income racket.

  1. The Workers - These are the type of people who do their work very well and they do that and that only. They are very comfortable with earning their salary every month end, take care of their families, enjoy life and wait for another month end. If the salary delays to come at the expected time they easily get into trouble with bill payments so they sometimes have to borrow from family, friends or banks and then payback the money from their salary. For them life is good, as long there are no surprises in the economy (depressions), their company (laying off) or their health or age. These guys are usually deep in debt and are always anxious about their jobs or the politics affecting the smoothness of things. Robert Kiyosaki defines this type of life style as the Rat Race and many people are trapped there.
  2. The Dealers - These ones are a bit different from the Workers in that although they are gainfully employed and primarily depend on their salaries, they are quite open to quick money making deals (sometimes illegal) to make quick money and add to their income. They still fear losing their jobs because whatever else they get money from is not their primary source of income and sometimes their dealings are dependent on their continued employment. They can make a lot of money but there is no value created and the person would struggle to balance life without a job.
  3. The Investors - The investors are a special kind of people. They are interested in creating a strong financial backbone outside of their employment. They can be the most hardworking people in an organisation but they also let their money work hard for them. They work on mastering the art of building businesses and investments so that they can become rich. These people understand that there is no limitation to what one can achieve as long as you do enough homework on everything you invest time or money in. No two investments are the same and a lot of them fail but there are also many that succeed and the success rate goes up with experience.
I know a lot of people who are so dearly love as family, friends or otherwise and i do not segregate my association with people based on those differences. However, i always advise everyone i can to move from the worker to the investor. I don't particularly like the Dealer category. Particularly because of the mental myopia that it has a tendency of causing in people. It is not based on planning or wealth creation but creation of large income at the moment of deal making. Those are not the principles i teach. I teach people to create value not profiteering from other vulnerable people in society.

Aim: To be part of the Investors and create wealth.

Thanks for you time. I hope we are learning. Be sure to leave us your comment below, share and forward to everyone you know and subscribe for our daily articles.

Next Lesson: Mind Your own business


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Very informative, I also go for the Investor.


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