It has been widely written that mining projects are capital intensive and are characterised by a high level of technical and economic risk. These factors pose a lot of challenges for entrepreneurs in the mining fraternity especially when raising START-UP CAPITAL.

One may note that there are limited sources of mining investment in Zimbabwe and the capital demands are often times quite outrageous. A lot of factors go into the building up the case as to why it's difficult to get the required investment capital but today we also want to note and point out that it is POSSIBLE to get CAPITAL for a start-up in ZIMBABWE.

If it's Possible anywhere else, it's also possible in Zimbabwe.  The countries of Brazil, Russia, India, and China, known as the BRIC bloc, as well as South Africa, are all developing economies; they have entered into trade relations to open up their economies and to fast track growth initiatives by means of bilateral agreements. These countries all have huge mineral resource bases that have always made a large contribution to the respective GDPs and are still major sources of foreign direct investments (FDI).

Here are 5 ways you can raise funding for your mining start-up in Zimbabwe

1. The Venture Capital or Private Equity
2. local capital market and stock exchange
3. banking sector (debt financing)
4. Lease financing for equipment
5. Own Capital
