Life Lessons from the Roma vs Barca match

They say in life we live and learn. Football fans all over the world always find time within their sometimes busy schedules to watch the most beautiful game of football at the highest level. Entertainment at the the utmost perfection.

Yesterday was another one of such beautiful displays of football by the very unlikely at the most unlikely instance. Barcelona was left stunned after a 3-0 beat up from the Italian club AS Roma. The Spanish giants went into the match sitting on the comfortable first leg lead 4-1. A walk over they said. Not this time.

I watched the game so well to the last minute as a football fan until at the end I realised, oh well, I'm a financial literacy fanatic as well and here are few pointers I could put together.

1. Nothing is just given

There is a tendency of thinking that if you have done well so far you would just do well tomorrow nonetheless. No! You must work your butt off to pull it again.

You have started 5 businesses that have all swept into success and you are starting a sixth. That's awesome but that's as far as it gets if you don't give it enough of what it requires. There are no obvious outcomes.

2. You can count on the spirit of home

Barcelona won 4-1 at home but Roma gave it their all and won 3-0 at their home as well. How about that for a come back! You've been defeated, go home, regroup and give it another shot way bigger than what hit you.

That's the spirit that takes people from billionaire to broke then billionaire again! Never losing hope. Knowing that I can go back home and come back from there a success.

3. No matter how high the mountain, climb

There are times people right you off. Never right yourself off. The mountain might be too high and everyone might agree. Regardless, climb. You have never climbed such before, that's why now is here - CLIMB!

4. Being the best doesn't mean you win everytime.

You will fail exams sometimes, you will be lose your job sometimes. You can still be the best. Your business might crash and collapse so terribly that people might doubt your abilities. But you can still make it. You can still say to yourself, I AM THE BEST like Mohammed Ali.

Thanks for your time. Stay blessed.
