Takeaways from the Madrid vs Juventus match

Wow! What a match. Let me not say much, we all watched the game. Here are my pointers from the game.

1. Tables can be turned

While it is advised to have bags of unlimited confidence, it is also wisdom to understand that tables can be turn. You might be making good revenues and good profits but to your sudden surprise a new player might just enter the market and start dominating.

You must know how to manage your affairs when tables turn against you.

2. Keep on keeping on

Tables might turn against you but if you have that spirit of unstoppable efforts nothing can stop you. The tables can turn yet again.

3. It's not over until it's over

One of my favourite speakers, Vince Lombardi once said, "it's not over until you win". So profound. No matter what, keep it fixed in your mind that it's still game on until you get the result you want.

You may not get it the first time, or the second or third. You may go for years, trying with no outcome but one day if you keep pressing you will testify.

Those are the stories written in the greatest of books.

Thanks for your time. Stay blessed!
