Politics - Your Greatest Enemy

Political March in Zimbabwe

Often times when you go to a rally, there will be so much noise. People will be shouting and chanting, either praising their candidate and their parties or insulting the perceived "opposite" formations. And it doesn't seem to matter whether or not it's the ruling party or opposition. The story is like that all over the world, with varying degrees.

I have nothing against any politician in Zimbabwe or outside. It's "politics" that I'm particularly concerned about. In this article I'm going to explain why with all the words I can master and with all clarity I can gunner You Should Not Spend Too Much Time Thinking or Discussing Politics unless you are a politician. Is politics that bad? Let's find out.

Why I say you should hands off

1. Great leaders build systems that do not necessarily make things easy but efficient.

A great misconce ption is on the perceived need for things to be easy and smooth. Now, what do I mean by that? Political chants and promises tend to cripple the mental prowess of the individual electorate and creates a dependency mentality which kills both the individual and the economy it should be building.

2. Political leadership has minimal effect on your personal capacity

There will not be more than a 20% difference in your capacity to transform your life when we compare one political leadership to another in a democracy. Good leadership is very important but it has been oversold. You are the maker of your destiny which is why the Bible says, "Isaac waxed great in a time of famine". If everyone was like Isaac and knew and did what Isaac did, there would not be a famine. There is enough capacity in this world for everyone to create value.

3. You are the Solution, Not the chanter

The one holding the mike has good ideas on how to create a better functioning national system. Not how to create a better life for you and your family. That's for you, and you learn that the hard way when the economy is said to be functioning well and you don't see it - because it's not translating to bread on your table, school fees or uniformed for your kids. You are the President for that. You are capable, you are not short of ability no matter who occupies State House.

4. Mass Ignorance benefits Chanting Politics

When your child is sick and all that you have tried and what the medical practitioners have tried has failed, you are more likely to try anything you come across. You will believe that both you and those who have tried are not competent but Someone Else and that is very understandable.


Assess Presidential and other candidates one by one, look at their credentials and ideologies against what you perceive to be the required way to go for the job that needs to be done.

But both during and after the process, always understand that you as an individual build the environment around you (independent of politics). You are the one who destroys or makes up the society. An economy is a consolidation of individual economies at personal and family levels. BUILD YOU FIRST



  1. Ahhhh! nice, an article on taking responsibility of what happens in your life and stopping to be dependent and blaming others for what in most cases you can fix and are responsible of.

  2. It is very important that as society we realise that the best and longest lasting structures whether physically, economy wise or psychological are built on a strong foundation. The better the foundation the better the chances of good strength.


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