You Are Meant To Be Broke

If you opened this article hopping it's a joke you are mistaken, no apologies yet. We need to hit this nail right on its forehead! Just as a medical practitioner is trained to tell you that you are sick with this or that, I'm meant to tell you that you have a disease in your wallet. Can it kill? It's deadly. Can it be cured? Let's find out.

You may be still wondering what this guy is talking about, well it's normal but I will break it down for you. I'm going to answer 3 questions for you that may just be the one thing making you broker than you would prefer.

First question, Why I say you are meant to be broke.

Second question, what do you need to do.

Third question, how do keep your 'unbroke' status once obtained.

Perfect, those are the 3 questions and this is free Financial Literacy education. Let's get on with it!

1. Why I believe you are meant to be broke

Well, first of all I don't know your net Worth or your bank balance and I don't claim to do so. However, most people really are broke (that may or may not be you). What makes many people broke is not the job they have or don't have, their family status, their income nor is it the amount of money they have in the bank.

Many people are broke because of what they do (or don't do) in the time between every 2 incomes. The no man's land. I call it the Financial Binary (I just made up the word) and it works like this - You get a good income (salary/profit share/royalty) at one point, you budget to SPEND this income over the anticipated period of time up to the next INCOME. When you get the next one you are either at ZERO, NEGATIVE (in bad debt) or just above sea level.

A lot of successful hardworking people do this throughout their careers. Just living up to their salaries. Some even go on to have families, buy a house or even 2 or 3 including some cars but still remain trapped in the RAT RACE.

I'm sure you have calmed down a bit now, though I would anticipate your mind is in at least one of the following states now.
1. I really am broke, I need a way out
2. I have been there, I'm on my way out
3. Good article Taffy but I'm now in the fast track (congratulations!)

If you accepted you want a way out of the rate race, continue reading. If you are already on your way out of the rate race, continue reading. If you are in the fast track, please skip to our tools for effective personal finance.

2. What you need to do to escape the rate race.

There are basically a number of ways you can adopt to become FINANCIALLY HEALTHY. I will just list these things for you for easy application:

- Get financial education.
- Have at least 7 income streams.
- Build a good network
- Learn to give
- Buy assets before you buy liabilities
- Have money work for you.

When we master the few points above and make them part of out lives we create FINANCIAL CONFIDENCE and nothing can take that away from you unless you let it go.

How to keep in the Fast track

Well, all people or businesses that have made it a remarkably stable FINANCIAL STATUS have done so by the continuous APPLICATION of specific PRINCIPLES that govern the accumulation of wealth. Clearly, anyone can do it.

Some people however then make the mistake of forgetting how they got there. NOTHING EVER STAYS THE SAME. Hence it is in your beliefs, knowledge, habits and network in which YOU ARE MEANT TO BE BROKE OR WEALTHY. You choose your habits and they create you FINANCIAL STATUS.

Wow, I really need your feedback on this issue. We are all in this but the beauty of the global community we can easily engage.

I couldn't dump everything here hence we overdose ourselves of the good medicine. Let's continue the conversation in the comments section and share with our loved ones so they too can benefit.



  1. A really nice peace, chucking the basic plainly as they should be. "what we do" defines whether we broke or not... hahaha.... not the job or balances. Nice put up


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