Buckology School #Introduction

You are probably navigating this site and wondering why why and why all it's bucks everywhere.

We are the bucks people! I'm not kidding we make bucks say hie like Mr Bean in Jonnie English!

Well, what's all that about. I'm glad you asked. This is all about one of the most important subjects of life for everyone in any field of life, from any part of the world whether western, eastern or African. Financial Literacy is what divides the world into two gigantic spheres: The Rich and The Poor. Forget about the middle class, they will fall somewhere in the two one way or the other.

This brings us to next question always asked by people, rich or poor. Is life all about money? Now wait..wait. Before you answer this question you need to take a deep breathe, look around you, take another breathe and then calmly say, 'I love life. Money just makes it a bit more enjoyable. No big deal. Life is good anyway.' Now, by that you have answered one of the biggest questions of all time by just taking your breathe.

Alright, that being said we now need to go into the real business of this program. Teaching you and I what is Financial Literacy (you need to know what it is before you can know it know it), what is money, is money and wealth the same thing, what about riches, how to be financially free and actually stay free (free to the end baby), how to make others aware of the same power you have met and to create a network of commonly equipped people in your life.

To do this, you can become part of our School of Buckology right here at All this Life. The program is structured as follows:

1. Kindergarten - The Basics of Money and it's origins
2. Early Primary School
3. Middle Primary School
4. Final Year Primary School
5. JC Level
6. Ordinary Level
7. Lower Six
8. Upper Six
9. First Year College
10. Second Year
11. Final Year
12. Graduation.

You have officially been schooled in the Art of Bucks. Now go yee therefore and create freedom for everyone you love!


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